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Upper Canada College Designated Substance Survey and Abatement

Upper Canada College (UCC) retained XCG to complete Designated Substance Surveys (DSS) (including mould) on two campus residences in 2009.

Upon completion of the DSS, XCG provided consulting support for asbestos abatement projects. XCG completed the Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) portion of the surveys in accordance with O. Reg. 278/05 and provided tender evaluation services as well as abatement inspections, air clearance testing and report preparation.

Since the initial ACM inspection in 2009, XCG also completed annual asbestos reassessments and updates to the asbestos management plans of many residences and buildings within the UCC campus from 2012 to 2018. The reassessments included a walk-through of selected areas of the campus buildings. ACMs identified in the previous report(s) and/or inspections were visually inspected to determine their current condition. During renovation projects from 2009 to 2017, UCC also retained XCG to collect ACM samples from select areas prior to destructive activities where there were concerns about additional potential ACM.

In 2018 UCC retained XCG to observe the abatement of approximately 12 metres of cement drain piping, which were assumed to be asbestos containing, within the gym. XCG observed a licensed contractor hired by UCC as they followed Type 1 abatement procedures to remove the piping.

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