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Solid Waste Management

Our Expert People have prepared various detailed designs for landfill expansions and closures for clients in Canada. We pride ourselves in developing site-specific solutions that provide cost-effective and optimal results, so we take the time to evaluate all aspects of a design to ensure that the best outcome is delivered.

Here are two recent projects we are proud to have worked on.


Engineering Design Services for 2020 Landfill Expansion Alberta-Pacific Landfill, AB

XCG undertook the detailed design of the 2020 Landfill Expansion at the Alberta-Pacific Landfill. The Alberta-Pacific Landfill is a pulp mill landfill accepting fly ash, grate ash, reject lime, dregs/grits, alum sludge, and biosolids wastes from the on-site pulp plant. XCG undertook the detailed design for the new engineered landfill expansion in 2019 in anticipation of construction in 2020.

The project included a conceptual landfill plan design brief and a staged detailed design of a new engineered landfill expansion including design drawings, specifications and a construction quality assurance and quality control plan. Additional work including a review of potential options to expand the existing cell using a berm extension, and a slope stability assessment for the waste material.

The conceptual landfill plan design brief formed a basis for the detailed design of the landfill expansion site and included operational issues such as fencing, stockpiling, material management (overburden and topsoil), on-site borrow pit; sloping requirements, volume and site life, and filling and covering strategy. The conceptual landfill plan design brief also included plans to address haul and access road requirements; leachate management; surface water management, base grades, composite liner, future expansion, and final cover.


Stage Two Final Closure Design – Nanaimo Regional Landfill, BC

The Nanaimo Regional Landfill is an active landfill which comprises an area of approximately 21.2 hectares, of which Stage One (approximately 2.6 hectares) of the landfill has already received final closure. In 2018, XCG undertook the detailed design (up to 90%) of the Stage Two Final Closure at the Nanaimo Regional Landfill in anticipation of a construction date of 2019 or 2020.

The total area included in the design for the closure depended on the maximum budget allocated by the RDN for construction of this project. The north slope of the landfill was prioritized, as this slope is visible to neighbouring properties and to public traffic.

A detailed design was completed up to and including the 90% design. Meetings were held to review relevant design issues and to allow the RDN to provide input. The design included stormwater works, landfill gas piping, and a composite final cover with a sand foundation layer, a LDPE geomembrane, a synthetic drainage layer (Drain-tube), a protective layer, organic soil and vegetation layer.


XCG Knows… Contacts

To talk about your landfill project and learn more about XCG’s expertise in solid waste management, please contact Trevor Mahoney.

P: 519-741-5774 ext 7237

820 Trillium Drive

Kitchener, ONtario N2R 1K4

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