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Hydrogeological Assessments for Water Supplies

XCG’s Hydrogeological Assessment group offers the following services:

· Hydrogeological Assessments in support of residential, commercial, and industrial developments in accordance with procedures described in the Provincial Guideline: D-5-5 Private Wells: Water Supply Assessment.

· Water quality testing to assess potability of the water supply, and provision of recommendations for water treatment measures if needed.

· Design and implementation of pumping test programs to assess groundwater quality, quantity and potential well interference as related to the development of groundwater-sourced water supplies.

· Design and implementation of groundwater monitoring programs to collect baseline and ongoing water quality and water level information to allow for future assessment of impacts to water supply from local activities, such as quarry operations, construction dewatering, neighbouring use of groundwater for water supplies, water quality impacts from industrial activities, leakage from petroleum storage tanks, etc.

· Implementation and contractor oversight for supply well maintenance activities, such as casing and well head repairs, well development and disinfection, pump replacement and water quality verification sampling.

Our Expert People are experienced in hydrogeological assessments undertaken in support of developing water supplies from groundwater sources. We pride ourselves in developing site-specific solutions that provide cost-effective and optimal results, with the aim to provide safe and reliable water supplies from groundwater sources.


XCG Knows… Hydrogeological Assessments in Support of Brownfield Development

XCG was retained by the developer of a brownfield property in the City of Guelph to assist with the filing of a Record of Site Condition in support of the redevelopment of former industrial lands for mixed commercial and residential land use.

As the City of Guelph obtains most of its water supply from groundwater sources, it was critical to assess the potential for contaminants to migrate vertically from shallow overburden soils downward to the underlying bedrock aquifers from which the City draws its drinking water supply.

Based on the information collected during various site investigations, XCG developed a groundwater flow model using MODFLOW-based modelling programs. The groundwater flow model was calibrated to field conditions (water levels, stratigraphy, hydraulic conductivity) collected at multiple investigative and monitoring locations across the site. Groundwater flow conditions, particle tracking simulations and plume migration simulations were produced to assess the potential for contaminant migration.

Following an intensive review process, XCG successfully demonstrated that the municipal water supply would be sufficiently isolated and protected from any on-site contaminants, and the development was allowed to proceed.

To learn more about this project click the link below:


XCG Knows… Pumping Tests for Water Supply Assessments

As part of a water supply systems Class Environmental Assessment, XCG oversaw a 21-day pumping test for a municipal supply well which was a key component of the Region of Waterloo’s Integrated Urban System. This pumping test included the establishment of a monitoring well network comprising 30 locations instrumented with electronic water level dataloggers, water quality sampling, flow rate and discharge monitoring, contractor oversight, and data collection and management.

Based on the findings of the pumping test, XCG prepared a hydrogeological report, which included graphical representations of water level response to pumping, assessment of aquifer capacity and well interference, water quality assessment and updating of the conceptual model of hydrogeology in the study area.

The information obtained from the pumping test assessment was incorporated into the comprehensive Environmental Study Report as per Class Environmental Assessment requirements.

To learn more about this project click the link below:


XCG Knows... Water Supply Assessments for Rural Developments

XCG was retained to undertake a hydrogeological assessment in support of the development of a groundwater-sourced water supply for a development of estate homes in the Kingston, Ontario area. The assessment was undertaken in accordance MOE Procedure D-5-5 Technical Guideline for Private Wells: Water Supply Assessment.

XCG conducted two 6-hour pumping tests on new test supply wells installed as part of the development. The findings of the pumping tests indicated that there was sufficient groundwater supply in the bedrock aquifer to supply the water supply needs of the proposed development without significantly impacting neighbouring water supply wells.

The assessment included the collection and analysis of water samples from the test supply wells. XCG reviewed the analytical results and determined that there were elevated concentrations of various aesthetic water quality parameters. XCG provided recommendations for water treatment to mitigate the aesthetic issues with the water quality, and the water supply was deemed adequate for the proposed development.


XCG Knows... Contacts

To talk about your hydrogeological assessment and water supply needs and to learn more about XCG’s capabilities in these areas, please contact Mike Schriver or Erica Gray at XCG.

Mike Schriver, P. Eng. Erica Gray, B.E.S.

Senior Project Engineer Project Manager

289-681-2240 613-542-5888 ext 7109

820 Trillium Drive 4 Cataraqui Street

Kitchener, Ontario N2R 1K4 Kingston, Ontario K7K 1Z7

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